Is Your Computer Running Slow ? Discover How to Boost Its Performance


Among the most annoying things if you are a computer user is the act of your PC being slow. There are many reasons that cause a computer to be slow like a virus, hardware specification and RAM overload.

Computer usage varies greatly from one user to another depending on the type and activity being performed. Computers for typing, listening to music and watching movies do not require high hardware specifications compared to computers for graphics and playing games.

Many computer users often complain that their computers have become very slow unlike before when they bought them. There are many reasons that make the computer slow, as I explained above, it depends a lot on the use of the computer in question.

7 ways to follow it if your computer is very slow

1. Install Anti Virus

One of the biggest reasons for a computer to be slow is the presence of a computer virus. A computer virus will use most of the RAM and HDD in performing its tasks. So it is important to keep a good and light anti virus that will not use a large amount of RAM.

2. Delete Temporary Files

For Windows users, you can open my computer=> Go to local disk C: or disk with Windows=> Open Users => Select User if the user name is there => AppData=> Local=>Temp

There you can delete files all the contents of the temp folder, then restart your computer.

3. Reduce things in your Hard Drive

Fullness of the Hard Drive contributes a lot to the computer being slow. Windows gives you a very early notification that your hard drive is almost full and changes its color to red. Delete or move some items to leave your computer with enough space.

4. Your computer's RAM is small, add RAM

RAM is a very important ingredient when it comes to the speed of the computer in question. The amount of RAM varies depending on the price of the computer. Check the RAM manual according to your computer's operating system;
Windows XP minimum amount of RAM should be 1GB
Windows 7 minimum amount of RAM should be 2GB
Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 minimum amount of RAM should be 4GB

If you give up RAM there are still many things to consider here like the processor, you can read more here.

5. Close some programs if you run many programs together

If you have opened many programs together in your computer, it is better to close some programs to reduce the load on the computer.

6. Update your Windows (Operating system)

It is very important to update your windows every time updates come out because updates come with many improvements, especially to secure your computer.

7. Reduce Add-Ons on your browser.

Many Add-ons such as YouTube downloader, ruler, games, znet reduce the efficiency of the computer to a great extent, so make sure you uninstall some add-ons that you do not use frequently.

It is very important to buy a computer that is compatible with your activities to avoid unnecessary distractions.

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