Signs Your Partner Might Be Interested in You Only for Your Money


Here, we will look at indicators or signs that your partner might be interested in you only for your money. Money has significant importance in modern romantic relationships, and this is not just within relationships but in life in general. Even if people of different genders decide to be together just for companionship without being in a romantic relationship, life still requires money due to the needs we have as humans in today’s world. Therefore, money is not a bad thing or something unusual in romantic relationships. However, the dangerous thing in a relationship is being with someone who doesn't love you but pretends to love you just to enjoy your money. This is dangerous because, after some time or when the money is unstable, the person who truly loved you might start getting hurt.

Signs Your Partner Might Be Interested in You Only for Your Money

Every Expression of Love Involves Money

A person who doesn’t love you but loves your money may use fake love to get money. You might see them show something that indicates they love you, but you’ll realize their main goal is to get money from you. They might be quarrelsome and not call or look for you, but when they do calm down and contact you, it's on a day they need something or need money from you.

They Don’t Pay Attention Unless Money is Involved

A person who doesn’t love you might have the habit of ignoring you when you say you don’t have money. Your relationship with them might reach a point where you clearly see that when you give money, they show love, but when you don’t, they get angry and ignore you completely, making their love for you seem nonexistent. In short, money is the only thing that makes them pay attention to you and say they love you. If you don’t give them money, they find every reason to get angry, not contact you, and make you feel like you’ve done something wrong.

They Don’t Spend Their Money on Your Problems

Even if you are sick or have a problem that requires their involvement, like travel expenses or buying something for you, they will still involve you in the money they need to use. In short, they want you to pay for everything they do for you. You might have a problem that needs them to come to you or go somewhere, but when told, they might respond, “I don’t have fare, send it to me.” They won’t spend their money on your issue no matter what; they will only ask you for money.

They Don’t Care About Your Direction or Your Relationship

You might make bad decisions about money in front of them, and they won’t tell you anything about those decisions. They are not jealous of you in the relationship when you are seen with other people; the main thing for them is to get money from you. Future plans together regarding the relationship don’t seem important to them, and even if you bring it up, they don’t seem to see its significance. They might have a lot of expenses that don’t involve building a family or a future together.

Despite seeing all these signs in a man or woman you suspect loves you for your money, it doesn’t necessarily mean 100% that they are like that. These are just indicators, and if you see them, you’ll need to combine them with your own thoughts to analyze whether the man or woman you are with loves you for your money or if their love is genuine.

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