Want to start making money through Google Adsense, read here

Fact: Ways to Make Money Through Google Adsense (Tanzania)

It is clear that nowadays young people especially here in Tanzania are awake and fighting for various opportunities with the utmost seriousness. Such opportunities include online business or as many of us like to talk about money online.

For many of you I know when you hear the word money online or online business then you must think of some services such as YouTube, or Have an iOS and Android App or maybe a website where you can place Google ads and continue making money online, but there are things a lot more that can help you make money online more than that.

But let's make that a topic for another day and today let's talk a little bit about ways to make money online through Google Adsense. Without wasting time let's go straight to this article.


  • 1 What is Google Adense
  • 2 Google Services and Google Adsense
  • 3 YouTube
  • 4 How To Make Money Through YouTube
    • 4.1 Fact
  • 5 Blogger
  • 6 How To Make Money Through Blogger
    • 6.1 Fact
  • 7 Google Admob
  • 8 How To Make Money Through Admob
    • 8.1 Fact
  • 9 Google Ads (Private Website)
  • 10 How To Make Money Through Google Ads (Private Website)
    • 10.1 Fact
  • 11 Conclusion

What is Google Adense

First let's start a little bit, if you are a newcomer you must be wondering what Google Adsense is ..? Adsense or Google Adsense is a service provided by Google for online content creators as well as software and website designers to earn money from their work. Here is what it means to make videos, make articles or make various programs with content.

Google services and Google Adsense

If we are talking about money online then it is important to know the Google services that can help you make money online through Google Adsense, these services are different but they are all connected to the Google Adsense service, so it does not matter which service you choose. Google Adsense.

  • YouTube
  • Blogger
  • Google Admob
  • Google Ads (Private Website)

As you can see, all of these methods are different but all require you to have a Google Adsense account so it is very important to have an Ansense account before you start taking steps to earn money online through any of those services, later I will tell you why.


Now maybe we should start with YouTube, Youtube is a section that allows you to post videos with socially acceptable content and through those videos you can earn money from ads that are flowing immediately before your videos start, in your videos or immediately after the video your expiration.

Overall To earn money through YouTube you need to reach a certain level of followers of your channel , including the total amount of time that all your videos have been viewed within a period of one year, that is to say you need a certain amount of views by a subscriber in order to reach the point of making a request to join Google Adsense through YouTube.

How To Make Money Through YouTube

If you are in Tanzania then this is for you, if you want to make money through YouTube then it is best to make sure you make videos that are content and that are loved by more viewers. This is especially important when you are just starting out. YouTube watches more video than most subscribers , so if your videos are viewed more then the chances of making money through YouTube are much higher.

The truth

But also here I have to tell you the Truth, in order to get more views on your channel or your videos you must use legitimate means and make the most watched videos with the best advertising language which is English (English). I know you will be very surprised but here today I have to tell you the truth. If you have a Swahili video with many views or with the ability to watch over 100,000 times in one week then you can earn money from the type of video you have made.

But if you have an English video that can be viewed by people outside Tanzania and reach more than 10,000 views in one week then and make sure here you can earn a very understandable amount of money. In short, Kiswahili content videos are very difficult to accept commercially as most companies that work to advertise their business through Google are outside Tanzania and most use English.

So if today you want to make money through YouTube you can try to make the most popular Swahili videos, or create an English channel with English-speaking videos. Also make sure you post videos regularly this is very important even if you have an English channel, in short Content is a King .


Blogger is a network that allows users to create websites that have blogspot.com links or domains and are hosted on Google servers. In terms of making money through blogger, this is no different from having a YouTube Channel as also through blogger you can earn a certain amount of money from Google ads that you can put on your blogger website.

How To Make Money Through Blogger

Now in order to make money through blogger it is good to know a few of the following, through blogger it is necessary to write content that is socially acceptable and available in the best advertising language which is English . Now here is a must have, for this means that through a blogger, if you post Kiswahili content then you will not be able to make any money through Adsense because Google through its Google Adsense service still does not have Kiswahili as the language accepted by Google advertising companies.

The truth

Now let's face it, if you are thinking of starting a blogger in Kiswahili then make sure you get rid of Google Adsense advertising ideas for now, as so far Google does not accept Swahili websites except for the most popular sites selected by Google and which will not always always show up. ads also such sites must not have a blogspot.com link.

Google Admob

Coming to Google Admob, this is a Google service that allows owners and creators of various Android and iOS apps to earn money through their Apps. You can earn money through ads that appear within the respective App through a special section.

How To Make Money Through Admob

Unlike other services, for Admob things are not easy but there are also advantages for software developers here in Tanzania. Through your various programs you can earn money by setting up content that is acceptable to the community around you and available in any language used by those people.

The truth

Now in order to make money using Admob you first need to be a good developer of Android or iOS apps, also make sure you get the most users of your apps as well as the good content that users of that app might prefer. Through Admob you can earn money if more people use your app or you have more apps through the Play Store and App Store markets. The bottom line is that you need to create an app that is loved and downloaded by more people to make money, at least when the app reaches more than 100,000 users then you will be able to see much better results.

Now here is the last step which is also no different from the Blogger step above. This google ads ad service via personal website differs from the blogger in small respects as it does not share large amounts of revenue with Google as it does with the person who uses blogspot.com.

How To Make Money Through Google Ads (Private Website)

If you want to make money using a personal website then it is important to follow the terms and conditions of writing socially acceptable content including the best advertising language which is… I know you know do you want me to know you more…. English.

The truth

If you are thinking of having a Kiswahili website, then it is best to forget about Google Adsense ads for now as Google does not currently accept websites with Kiswahili content.


Now having said all that maybe we can conclude by saying this, if you have a website or channel Youtube with Swahili content you need to make sure you get a lot of viewers of your videos whether it is YouTube or if it is a website then make sure you look at other sources of revenue like having an app for your website. Also if you are a blogger my thoughts to you are the same as the fact is that the Kiswahili language is still online is not used by a large percentage by companies that are capable of advertising business online.

If you have successfully studied so far you deserve a gift and the truth is that you have shown a sincere interest in starting an online businessSince you have shown great loyalty then this here is my gift to you.

My Gift To You

If you are thinking of having a website or app or YouTube Channel in the future, then it is also good to create a Google Adsense account in advance even if you have not considered advertising anything. This is important as long-term accounts are more reliable than accounts that have been created and begin to apply for live ads.

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